Funded by ANR
PI: Nicolas Bottinelli

Partnership: France (INRAE, IRD) and Vietnam (VAST, VAAS, VNU)
The project PRECIOUS focuses on earthworm activity and soil hydraulic properties. It aims to (i) define functional groups based on soil water flow (soil hydraulic conductivity and water retention capacity) and (ii) test the complementarity of these groups to mitigate the impact of extreme events (monsoon rains and drought) on the dynamics of water. Functional groups will be defined in the laboratory from the eco-morpho-anatomical traits and the 3D burrow systems of 30 Megascolecidae in Vietnam and 30 Lumbricidae in France. The assemblage of functional groups will be carried out in lysimeters in Vietnam, where water flow (vertical and horizontal) will be monitored for 2 years, covering extreme climatic conditions.