Current projects
  • Rea-Sol (2023-2025) (Réhabilitation et gestion durable de la fertilité des sols pour une agriculture durable et résiliente au Cambodge) (FSPI, Ambassade de France au Cambodge)
  • ECOTERM (2023-2027) (ECOsystem services derived from TERMite mounds in the lower Mekong basin) (ANR, Sustainability Science)
  • STAR-FARM (2024-2027) (EU DeSIRA)
  • CrosyeN (2023-2028) (ANR, PEPR FairCarboN)
  • Alamod (2023-2028) (ANR, PEPR FairCarboN)
  • TropEcos (2023-2028) (ANR, PEPR FairCarboN)
  • WORMAP (2024-2026) (JEAI program, IRD)
  • Soilwarm (2022-2026)
  • eDIP (2022-2026)  
  • Plastisol (2022-2025)
  • Change-UP (2021-2024) Innovative agro-ecological APProaches to achieving resilience to climate CHANGE in Mediterranean
  • U2 Worm (2021-2025) Understanding and using ecosystem services provided by earthworms
  • SiWorm (2021-2023) Role of earthworms in the cycling of terrestrial Silicon
  • PRECIOUS (2020-2023) Predicting water flows through new earthworm functional groups
Completed projects
  • SiWorm (2021-2023) Role of earthworms in the cycling of terrestrial Silicon
  • PRECIOUS (2020-2023) Predicting water flows through new earthworm functional groups
  • Neutraclim (2020) Questioning the role of carbon capture and storage to meet the challenge of climate neutrality
  • VinaWorm (2018-2020) Modeling the production and degradation of earthworm casts: consequence on the dynamics of organic matter
  • SoilBag (2018-2020) Impact of soil engineers on soil water dynamics across contrasting pedoclimatic conditions
  • SEAWEED (2018-2019) (Soil Erosion in Agricultural Watersheds) How can gullies be potential corridors of biodiversity ?)
  • COSTAUD (2017-2019)
  • R. Muon PhD (ARTS grant, IRD, 2019-2022)
  • S. Cheik’s PhD (ARTS grant, IRD, 2017-2019)
  • MACROFLUX (2014-2015) (INSU/EC2CO)
  • M-TROPICS – MSEC (1999-2019)