
IRD délégation régionale Ile-de-France – iEES Paris (UMR 242) 32 avenue Henri Varagnat, 93143 BONDY cedex

Tél Pro :+33 1 48 02 55 10


I have 15 years’ experience in the application of GIS technologies. I started my work for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für international Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) of the German Government in a project to understand the driving forces behind the land use change due to the widespread cutting of coconut trees in the Philippines. Moving to France I worked in projects with UN agencies manly in refugee operation using geographical information to asses and evaluate the impact of refugee settlements to the environment. I also was employed as an expert for the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) in Geneva in other projects on a global scale.

At the French National Research Institute for Development (IRD) I hold the position of an expert in Geographical Information Science. I led the conception of geographical databases in a lot of different projects. I also was involved in projects to develop geographic information infrastructures. More recently I lead projects to modernize the information systems of two herbariums in India and New Caledonia.

Key results
Workflow to build up the database for the RAINBIO consortium

Build-up of the geographic information infrastructures for labex CEBA

Development of a new management system for the Herbarium of New-Caledonia (NOU)
  • MIKOKO (2019-2021)