Title: Questioning the role of carbon capture and storage to meet the challenge of climate neutrality. Interdisciplinary analysis in law, SHS and environmental sciences
Funded by CNRS
Carbon capture and storage is a climate engineering technique widely legitimized by IPCC reports which include it as part of the “solution” to achieving planetary carbon neutrality. The project targets three techniques: industrial CCS (carbon capture and storage) consisting of capturing CO2 at its point of emission (power plants, thermal, industries) then injecting it into underground reservoirs on shore or off shore in order to store it there “sustainably”, CCUS (Carbon capture and utilization), combining CCS with carbon recovery in the field of ‘cleantechs’ (biofuels) and carbon sequestration in agricultural soils by natural sequestration (COS) . The objective of the NEUTRACLIM project is to integrate disciplinary approaches in law, sociology and history of science, environmental science and engineering to assess the challenges, feasibility and risks of these techniques. Literature reviews, workshops and discussions with stakeholders will lead the consortium to ultimately define, in an interdisciplinary manner, the conditions for good governance of these techniques, making them part of an effective sustainable development trajectory. In this context, what does the law say and what is its role in the face of these controversial climate technologies, raising important socio-political dilemmas?