
IRD délégation régionale Ile-de-France – iEES Paris (U 242), 32 avenue Henri Varagnat, 93143 BONDY cedex

Tél Pro :+33 1 48 02 00 00

N°ORCID : 0000-0003-4944-9696


I am soil ecologist at the French national research institute for sustainable development since 2010. I am a member of the UMR iEES (Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences). In Vietnam, my research aims to better understand the impact of earthworms on the dynamics of water, erosion, and organic matter in soils. Since 2020, I am the coordinator of the project ANR-PRECIOUS, which aims at providing a key for the identification of functional groups of earthworms in order to estimate their effects on water transfers in soils.
